Tom Mongelli

EHT Shoplift Suspect Re-arrested for Threats, Witness Tampering
Less than a week after being cut loose to await a hearing for a shoplifting charge, the suspect from Atlantic City is re-arrested and charged with witness tampering and terroristic threats.

Probation for Ex-Galloway Rec Worker Who Took Camp Money
Jennifer DiLuzio will be required to repay the nearly $7,000 in camp registration fees that she collected and no longer be eligible for public-funded employment.

Atlantic City Death Leads to Manslaughter Charge for Camden Man
After clinging to life for nearly three weeks, an Atlantic City man dies of injuries that investigators believe were inflicted by a suspect from Camden.

Ex-Cape May Cop Sentenced for Embezzling $105K from PBA
Former Cape May police officer John Campbell serves six months home confinement and pays full restitution plus fines for pocketing $105,000 of his fellow officers' money in a four-year span.

Fugitive Armed Robbery Suspects Caught in Egg Harbor Township
Two alleged fugitives, wanted for an armed holdup of a convenience store in North Carolina, find their flight from justice over in Egg Harbor Township.

Mays Landing Woman Injured, Charged in EHT Head-On Crash
A Mays Landing woman, severely injured after being catapulted out of her SUV in a head-on crash, also faces a rash of road violation summonses and possibly criminal counts.

Ex-Atlantic County investigator to be sentenced for bank fraud
Betsy Borges admitted buying a house, skipping mortgage payments while collecting rent, selling it to a family member below value, and later buying it for a dollar.

Galloway Drug Rep Facing 10 Years for Insurance Fraud
A pharmaceutical sales agent from Galloway faces up to 10 years in prison for scamming the health insurance plan for New Jersey state workers, and other insurers, out of nearly $500,000.

Egg Harbor Township Man Dies in Tuesday Morning Crash
A 61-year-old man from EHT was pronounced dead at the scene of a nasty crash in the township late Tuesday morning.

Torpedoes Dug Up at Jersey Shore Demolition Site
An Ocean County demolition team got more than it bargained for when they scraped away soil from a pair of torpedoes.

Ocean County School Gets Checked for Drugs; Addicts Offered Amnesty, Rehab
Addicts can get help at no charge without fear of arrest in Manchester today or in Brick on Thursday.

Gas explosion levels a house, causes multiple injuries in Stafford
Several people, including utility workers and firefighters, have been injured in a gas explosion that destroyed a home in Stafford Township, authorities said.