Music News

New Jersey Music Legend Insists He's Not Being Forced To Perform
New Jersey Music Legend Insists He's Not Being Forced To Perform
New Jersey Music Legend Insists He's Not Being Forced To Perform
Legendary New Jersey singer, Frankie Valli is speaking out about rumors that have been circulating about him. Various videos posted on social media platforms, question his well-being. The videos appear to portray a frail-looking Valli lip-syncing his performances and looking very tired.
The Philly Specials are Back for One Last Party
The Philly Specials are Back for One Last Party
The Philly Specials are Back for One Last Party
Can you imagine all the people waiting outside Walmart for the doors to open so they can get their hands on one of these albums? Perhaps true Eagles fans will go with friends use the team approach and do the Tush Push as soon as the doors open. Who knew Walmart even sold albums anymore?

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