Grab-N-Go Information For Barrier Island Residents
Beginning today, some residents of Ocean County barrier islands are being allowed a short return home for a "grab-n-go."
The process is very specific for each town.
Seaside Heights
Property owners and tenants will be allowed into Seaside Heights for assessment/protection/removal of their property, on designated streets from Ocean Terrace to Bay Boulevard which will include the North/South streets running between those designated streets, for a 4 hour period from 10:00am until 2:00pm starting Friday November 9, and terminating Tuesday, November 13.
Friday – Sherman, Sheridan, Grant , Blaine
Saturday – Hancock, Fremont, Sumner, Webster
Sunday – Kearney, Carteret, Hamilton, Franklin
Monday – Sampson, Hiering, Lincoln, Dupont, Porter
Tuesday – 400 Hiering/Bayside Terrace, this area must be dealt with separately and last due to major access problems and will only be opened pending approval of the NJDOT.
8 buses will be staged outside of Sears at The Ocean County Mall at 9:00 am, there will also be a truck to follow which can take larger items off the island. Two people will be allowed for any given property or residence, this includes two as the property owner and if applicable two for a tenant. Proof of residency or property ownership must be presented to get on the buses. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed.
The buses and the truck will make one pass up and down the streets allowing passengers to get off near their property. Buses and truck will repeat this route at 2:00pm, at which time all passengers must re-board and put needed items on the truck.
While at your property you may:
- Put out garbage
- Take pictures
- Remove small items, no furniture. The equivalent of two small suitcases will be the standard used for the maximum to go on the truck from any property/residence.
- Do minor protective repairs.
While at your property you MUST:
- Turn off your main electric breaker. This will eliminate the need for us to cut electric service to the property.
- Everyone will be required to sign in when they get on the bus and when they return to the staging point there will be FEMA representatives available to help with your claims.
If you have vehicle(s) which must be removed from your property you may contact APK Towing, the Borough’s designated tower, to tow your vehicle(s) to the mainland. This action does not need to be coordinated with the date associated with you property address.
Seaside Park
The Seaside Park Police Department was able to secure the opportunity for borough residents to conduct a home inspection and assessment from Governor Christie’s office. Residents that did not get the opportunity to visit their homes this past week to gather their personal items will have the chance to do so. Access dates will be determined by address within the borough. The access dates are as follows:
Friday November 9th- Homes located J Street south to 14thAvenue
Saturday November 10th- Homes located north of J Street and west of Rt. 35
Sunday November 11th- Homes located north of J Street and east of Rt. 35
On the applicable date, residents will arrive at the registration point, which is the West Parking Lot in Shelter Cove located at the intersection of Bay Avenue and Cove Point Road in Toms River, NJ at 9 A.M. (Please do not arrive early, registration will not begin until 9 A.M.)
Identification must be provided and it will be compared with a master list of residents and homeowners that were previously granted limited access to the borough of Seaside Park. If it is determined you have already been granted access you will be turned away.
No more than two individuals per household will be granted access, one of whom must be a resident or owner.
A visual inspection only will be authorized for those residences deemed unsafe by State Officials. Entry into the structure will be prohibited.
All entry into the borough is at your own risk.
Residents granted access will board a bus for transport into and from the barrier island. Buses will board at 10 A.M. and 12 P.M. and return to Shelter Cove at 12 P.M. and 2 P.M.
Residents will not be permitted to leave the barrier island by any means other than the bus they arrived on.
At the designated time residents will board the bus for transport off the barrier island.
Residents can take with them only what they can place on their lap.
Toms River Barrier Islands
We are beginning re-entry into the northern beach areas for permanent residents only. Ortley Beach will be scheduled at a later date due to extensive road damage.
This plan will be implemented in three phases:
PHASE ONE (Begins Friday November 9 through Tuesday November 13)
Residents will be transported to the barrier island from the Bellcrest Plaza (935 Fischer Boulevard Toms River) via Toms River Regional school bus.
Limited entry to full time residents. Two people per residence and proper identification (drivers license, utility bill etc.) is required.
The township is working in conjunction with beach associations to determine scheduling and selection of individuals who meet these criteria. Residents should access the tomsrivertownship.com website for further information.
Residents will have approximately 60 minutes to retrieve items that they deem essential to themselves and their families.
These items will be limited to storage in a carry on suitcase that can be placed on the resident’s lap upon return.
The homes and infrastructure in many areas have been severely damaged. As such, All RESIDENTS CHOSING TO VOLUNTARILY ENTER THEIR HOMES TO INSPECT/REMOVE PERSONAL ITEMS DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK.
Residents are reminded to use due caution in and around their residences.
Residents WILL NOT be permitted to wander to other areas of their respected association. Anyone found to not be in compliance will be immediately removed from the barrier island.
SCHEDULE: Beginning Friday November 9,2012, registration starting at 08:30am at the Bellcrest Plaza 935 Fischer Boulevard, Toms River.
08:30am-09:15am - Registration for Group 1 at Bellcrest Plaza 935 Fischer Boulevard, Toms River.
09:30am Group 1 departs Bellcrest Plaza for the barrier island.
10:00am Group 1 drop off to barrier island.
10:30am-11:30am Registration for Group 2 at Bellcrest Plaza begins
11:30am Group 1 returns from barrier island.
11:45am Transition buses
12:00pm Group 2 departs for barrier island
01:30pm Group 2 returns and daily operations are completed.
The following phases will be implemented at a later date:
During this phase the remainder of homeowners who are not permanent residents will be allowed on to the barrier island for home inspection and collection of any essential personal items.
Access to the barrier island will be facilitated for all residents and contractors for winterization and damage assessment.
Toms River Township is dedicated to serve its citizens and will continue to work in conjunction with state and federal agencies to accomplish our goals in a safe and timely manner. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these difficult times.
Barrier Island Re-entry Operation
The following Toms River Barrier Island communities will be permitted limited bus access only on the following dates and times:
*Residents will be broken into 2 groups, please expect some wait time and dress appropriately for conditions.
Friday November 9th
0830 Registration at Bellcrest Plaza Fischer Blvd
Ocean Beach Unit 1
Ocean Beach Shores
Sunset Manor Shores
Saturday November 10th
0830 Registration at Bellcrest Plaza Fischer Blvd
Monterey Beach
Ocean Beach Unit 2
Seacrest Beach
Sunday November 11th
0830 Registration at Bellcrest Plaza Fischer Blvd
Ocean Beach Unit 3
Ocean Beach Peninsula (Bayside)
Monday November 12th
0830 Registration at Bellcrest Plaza 935 Fischer Blvd
Chadwick Beach
Silver Beach
*Note Chadwick Beach Island will be scheduled at a later date until bridge is inspected and found to be safe. Please do not respond on this date.
Tuesday November 13th
0830 Registration at Bellcrest Plaza Fischer Blvd
Normandy Shores
Normandy Beach
*Tentative date for Chadwick Beach Island is November 13th
0830 Registration at Bellcrest Plaza Fischer Blvd
We hope to allow access on Friday, November 9th. We know that everyone is anxious to see their homes. If you have already visited your homes, please try and postpone your visit by at least a day to allow your neighbors that have not been to town the opportunity to visit their homes.
We will follow the same procedures that were implemented on Tuesday:
Section 1 is everything from Bay Head to Herbert Street. Section 2 is Herbert Street to Curtis Point.
SECTION 1 (Bay Head to Herbert Street):
Please drive your personal vehicles only through Bay Head. When you are stopped at the entrance to Bay Head show the official your ID and hopefully something that ties you to your Mantoloking address (Tax Bill, Electric Bill, etc.) Once into Mantoloking, drive your vehicle on 35 South until you are able to reach a section closest to your house. Please park on the Southbound side of 35 only. Residents of Lagoon/Channel Lanes— be aware that Bergen is STILL compromised and open to foot traffic only. Use East Ave and Barnegat Lane to reach your homes– we are trying to keep 35 clear and free of pedestrian traffic.
SECTION 2: (Herbert Street to Curtis Point):
Please drive your personal vehicle to Mantoloking Road. Park your vehicle on the side of Mantoloking Road in the vicinity of the Loyal Order of the Moose (just East of Tow Boat USA). Walk towards the bridge to the Mantoloking staging point (there will be a red Mantoloking Flag there). Because we cannot have private cars in the Southern part of town at this time, we have arranged for shuttle vans to take you to and from your homes. Access from the south via Seaside Bridge is currently restricted by both Seaside and Brick Authorities.
Visiting Guidelines:
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Who: All residents and their immediate families. No children under the age of 12 and no pets.
What to Bring: Boots, gloves, bags to carry your necessities, water and flashlights
At this time we ask that you try to spend as little time at your home as possible so as not to impede the substantial amount of necessary infrastructure construction that is going on.
- You are welcome to bring additional personnel to help you (insurance adjusters, contractors, etc.). However, they will not be able to bring their vehicles or heavy equipment in. They must come in with you.
- If you are unable to visit because you are out of town, you can designate a relative/friend to come in on your behalf. In order to do this, please give written permission to your relative/friend and ask them to present this letter at the police checkpoint. On this letter, please help us verify the letter by providing your home phone number as listed in the Mantoloking Blue Book as well as a number where the police can contact you if they have any questions. Please keep in mind that these individuals are your responsibility and that they should only be at your property and nowhere else.
- We hope that East Avenue and Barnegat Lane will be cleared by Friday– Please use those venues to walk to your homes so that 35 can remain free of pedestrian traffic.
- Please also wear bright colors that make you visible– we need to make sure that you are visible to construction crews.
- Finally, please try and park your cars out of the way and off the street. Do us a favor and put your name and mobile number on it, so we can get in touch with you if it needs to be moved. We almost had to tow a few cars yesterday because they were parked over important natural gas connectors.
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