That trip into Philly may cost you a little more.

I'm not talking about the cost of dinner and seeing a show, but rather the money you'll spend just to get there.

The cost of crossing the Delaware River could go up.

We've gotten used to the Delaware River Port Authority’s four bridges being $5.

After all, it's been that way for 13 years now.

There hasn't been an increase since 2011, but that could change.

A vote has been put on hold until August 1st.

Last month the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said the seasonally adjusted Consumer Price Index increased 0.3%. That's up 3.4% over the last year, according to

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Mike Williams, a DRPA spokesperson told,

Staff continues to evaluate projected revenue scenarios in assessing the need for a toll increase. The Board will need to revisit it prior to August 1 in order to defer or modify the CPI increase.

Potential Toll Increase to Cross 4 New Jersey Bridges

So we're good until the beginning of August, but if approved, the cost would go up from $5 to $6.75 for cars.

That would include the Walt Whitman, Benjamin Franklin, Betsy Ross, and Commodore Barry bridges.

If you have a fear of crossing bridges, did you know the Delaware River and Bay Authority provided a service to help travelers suffering from acrophobia and gephyrophobia get to the other side?

Is that you? If it is, you're NOT alone.

You can read more about the program in the link below.

Fear Of Crossing Bridges? This Service Helps New Jersey Drivers

10 Most Structurally Deficient Bridges in New Jersey Based on Daily Usage

The most structurally deficient bridges and overpasses in the Garden State, based on the number of vehicles that use them each day.

Gallery Credit: Chris Coleman

Cool bridge in rural Salem County; Built in 1905, closed since 1991

Gallery Credit: Chris Coleman

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