Attention allergy sufferers: It's time to stock up on boxes of tissues. Ragweed pollen levels in New Jersey are supposed to be nasty the next couple months.
Mother Nature is not being kind to us this moth between the rain and the pollen. I drove through a think fog of pollen that made me want to sneeze on sight.
April showers bring May Flowers, but May flowers bring pollen and lots of allergies!
Who said that NJ's allergy season was supposed to start in February?! Cause to me, mother nature had another thing in mind...
“Don’t worry it’s just a cold.” How many times have you or someone you know said that? We usually associate sneezing, couching, congestion and several other symptoms with the common cold or allergies, but when does it turn from a cold into something more?
It's not your imagination. A growing number of adults and children in New Jersey are developing allergies, at all times of the year, even in the dead of winter when there's snow on the ground.
It's starting to feel more like spring, which means the trees are beginning to bloom, everything is turning green and a lot of Garden State residents are sneezing and feeling run down. But how do you know if you've spring allergies or a spring cold?