New Jersey’s Favorite Snacks Are Revealed and They’re WeirdNew Jersey’s Favorite Snacks Are Revealed and They’re WeirdRice Krispies Treats ended up #1 in 18 different states. Not New Jersey.Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Local ShopRite Workers to Be Featured on Cheerios BoxesLocal ShopRite Workers to Be Featured on Cheerios BoxesWhen you sit down and eat your bowl of Cheerios, you might see a recognizable face or two looking back at you from the cereal box!Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial [VIDEO]Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial [VIDEO]I watched this (unnecessarily) controversial Cheerios commercial for the first time today. And after watching this video, my faith in our future generation has been restored.GeorgiaGeorgia
Cheerios Ad With Interracial Family Sparks A Lot of Comments [VIDEO] [POLL]Cheerios Ad With Interracial Family Sparks A Lot of Comments [VIDEO] [POLL]A Cheerios cereal ad featuring an interracial family has stirred things up online.Joe KellyJoe Kelly