Jennifer Lopez

The Jennifer Lopez Name Generator
The Jennifer Lopez Name Generator
The Jennifer Lopez Name Generator
Ever noticed that a lot of celebrities have nicknames? Jennifer Lopez has certainly had her fair share including, J.Lo, Jenny from the Block, La Lopez, Lola, etc...
The Best Performance on American Idol This Year [VIDEO]
The Best Performance on American Idol This Year [VIDEO]
The Best Performance on American Idol This Year [VIDEO]
Remember when Carrie Underwood sang Heart's, "Alone" on American Idol?  That performance won the competition for her that year.  Jena Irene had a performance like that last night.  The other contestants can pack their bags.
American Idol Season 13 Sneak Peek!
American Idol Season 13 Sneak Peek!
American Idol Season 13 Sneak Peek!
I was lucky enough to attend a live 'American Idol' sneak peek for the upcoming season last night!  Lucky Season 13 of 'American Idol' begins tonight at 8pm on Fox!

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