Taylor Swift Makes Nice w/New Jersey Housewives’ Teresa Giudice at CoachellaTaylor Swift Makes Nice w/New Jersey Housewives’ Teresa Giudice at CoachellaThey were an unlikely pair at an unlikely event. Taylor Swift hung out with Real Housewives of New Jersey's Teresa Giudice at Coachella.Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
Keeping Up with the Morey’s? Wildwood NJ Amusement Park Gets Creative with RecruitmentKeeping Up with the Morey’s? Wildwood NJ Amusement Park Gets Creative with RecruitmentHave you seen one of the billboard's in South Jersey recruiting summer help for Morey's Piers in Wildwood that invokes reality star Kylie Jenner?Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
Sixers are in Shambles After Ben Simmons Reveals He’s Dating…Sixers are in Shambles After Ben Simmons Reveals He’s Dating…Twitter took to storm after discovering that Philly's NBA point-guard is now dating one of the Kardashian sisters...Rachel MarieRachel Marie
Are You As Forgiving As A Kardashian? [Poll]Are You As Forgiving As A Kardashian? [Poll]How about those Kardashians? They seem to be a pretty forgiving bunch? Would you be as forgiving?Joe KellyJoe Kelly
NBC Skips 9/11 Moment of Silence for Kardashian InterviewAs if we needed another reason to hate the Kardashians...Chris ColemanChris Coleman