New Jersey's exhausted at work, and it shows. In fact, employees here in the Garden State show up inside the Top 3 in the whole country for napping on the job.
To reference Taylor Swift, there are two counties in New Jersey that seriously need to calm down because they were just named the two most stressed-out in the state.
The cost of throwing your child a birthday party can really take a bite out of your bank account and run up your credit card. Every wondered what the average kid's birthday party sets parents in New Jersey back?
See drivers whiz down your neighborhood street way faster than the speed limit? Do you frequently feel a rush of air as a motorist blows by you on the parkway? New Jersey is one of the worst at speeding and its costing lives.
They're panic-inducing, bloodsucking, and disgusting, and summer is their season. Ticks. If you've seen one lately, and happened to take a photo of it, you could be of assistance to Rutgers University.
A bipartisan bill that has already passed in the state Senate would allow research animals to be put up for adoption once their services are completed.