Forget Alexa and Siri - Meet the Gender Neutral Voice AssistantForget Alexa and Siri - Meet the Gender Neutral Voice AssistantIt's been "normal" to talk to technology now for a while. Here's what more than one source says about evolutionary progress of voice assistants.Jahna MichalJahna Michal
Ask Siri What Zero Divided by Zero Equals…If you have an Apple product, ask Siri, 'What is zero divided by zero?" And just wait for her to roast you for about 15 seconds!GeorgiaGeorgia
Ask Siri What Zero Divided by Zero Equals…If you have an Apple product, ask Siri, 'What is zero divided by zero?" And just wait for her to roast you for about 15 seconds!GeorgiaGeorgia
The Voice of the Original Siri Comes ForwardThe Voice of the Original Siri Comes ForwardMaybe you've asked her for directions. Maybe you've asked her to set a reminder for you. People with iPhones know her well and they love her. It's the original Siri.GeorgiaGeorgia