Many of us deal with fine lines, wrinkles, loose or thin skin, pigmentation spots, and dullness. It’s normal, but who says our skin has to age with us?
Treat and revitalize your skin from common conditions with the Three For Me Laser at Jersey Shore Aesthetics and Wellness. Medical Director Dr. Marna Cutler explains how the treatment works.
Don't toss that avocado pit! The avocado has many benefits, but so does the pit. You no longer have to toss the avocado seed. Here are 5 benefits of the seed and how to eat it.
When we think of protecting our skin from the sun, we usually think about slathering on the sunscreen at the beach, but our skin needs protection year round, even as temperatures drop.
You have most likely spent a lot of time slathering on the sunscreen this summer, and for some people with acne prone skin that can lead to breakouts. If you are breaking out, be sure to get a sunscreen that says oil free and ‘non-comedogenic’ which means that the product will not clog your pores and cause further irritation or blemishes on your skin.
If you have age spots, excessive redness or sun damage on your face or neck, a photofacial may be just what the doctor ordered. Also known as photorejuvenation or IPL therapy, this procedure uses intense pulse light to restore a healthier, glowing appearance to the skin...
Whenever we are outdoors, whether it's cloudy or sunny, we know how important it is to wear sunscreen. We've heard it over and over again. Our parents forced us to wear it and now we slather it on our own kids. We know the rules and do our job to protect ourselves and our family from the suns harmful rays. But is our favorite sunscreen doing its job to protect us?