Tina Fey, Rachel Dratch, and the cast of SNL poked fun at both the Eagles and the Patriots in a skit Saturday night. SNL just wants both teams to lose.
Alex Trebek is a cultural institution, a beacon of knowledge and grace under pressure. Everyone loves him. Which is why it’s always amusing to watch the unflappable host of Jeopardy say silly words and phrases in that reliable deadpan of his. A recent episode of the immortal game show saw him forced to say the name “Turd Ferguson,” which should amuse anyone with a passing knowledge of modern comedy.
Now give this a chance. It might sound boring – Adam Sandler talks about food with Conan O’Brien – but the former Saturday Night Live stars (Sandler was, of course, a cast member, while O’Brien as a long-time writer) have some pretty tall tales to share about their time on the show, specifically as it applies to meals.
Don Pardo, the man who introduced the 'SNL' lineup every week since 1975, has sadly passed away at the age of 96. Pardo also lent his voice to radio, sports, game shows, and commercials over the course of his incredibly long-running career, but we'll always remember him best for that wonderful phrase: "It's 'Saturday Night Live!'"
It's Fall and Halloween is right around the corner, so you know what this means: pumpkins, and lots of 'em. Like us, the folks at 'SNL' know that this is the season where pumpkin products take center stage and invade every corner of your home, but unlike us, 'SNL' has the time, budget and duty to make a fake commercial that grotesquely showcases that there is one area of our lives that pumpkin fla
I do not have children, but I can see the appeal of an "Elf on the Shelf." However, I also find them very, very, very creepy... Watch Saturday Night Live's take on the subject...