Protecting Your Skin From New Jersey's Summer SunProtecting Your Skin From New Jersey's Summer SunKeeping your skin protected from the sun.Michele PilenzaMichele Pilenza
The Sunscreen Project: How One Jersey Woman is Making a DifferenceThe Sunscreen Project: How One Jersey Woman is Making a DifferenceThe Sunscreen Project was born. She's been raising money ever since, using the funds to buy sunscreens for local police departments in South Jersey.Joe KellyJoe Kelly
UV Safety Awareness Month- Are You Doing All You Can To Stay Safe?UV Safety Awareness Month- Are You Doing All You Can To Stay Safe?July is UV Safety Awareness Month. The sun's rays can damage our skin and our eyes, but we can protect ourselves from harmful UVB and UVA radiation with some simple steps.Robin StoloffRobin Stoloff
Can You Get Sun Damage Through A Window?Can You Get Sun Damage Through A Window?Can you get sun damage through a window? Here's why experts say we should wear sunscreen even when we are not at the beach.Robin StoloffRobin Stoloff