Ahead of Halloween, a new study of America's Most Popular Superheroes found that New Jersey's favorite is not as popular in 66 percent of the United States
Since we know that New Jersey has the third-highest Household Expenses in the country, how does the state's Median Annual Income compare to the rest of America?
New Jersey is famous for its beaches and proximity to major cities, but did you know that New Jersey is safer to live and vacation at compared to Pennsylvania?
With 6.5 million licensed drivers in the state, New Jersey's bridges get beaten up pretty badly. Here are the 10 busiest bridges in the worst condition.
"Making history" is always a fun topic and if you throw in "lovely" towns to visit, well that makes it even better. Love Exploring has put together a list, and ranking, of the Top 50 Loveliest Historic Small Towns In Each State.
Look, I'm proud of my Jersey roots, but let's be real, we love our food. When we speak of our state, we mention the Boss and Jon, the shore, and pizza and bagels. Not to mention all the great restaurants in the Garden State.