23 Years Ago, Were You at the Grand Slam Country Jam in Atlantic City, NJ?
23 years ago today, we were having a big ol' party in Atlantic City.
Friday, September 15th, 2000, thousands of Cat Country 107.3 fans were flocking to Sandcastle Stadium in Atlantic City for one of the first big concerts that we were ever a part of.
That night, going by the t-shirt that I found not too long ago, Rascal Flatts was one of the opening acts. Their first album had just been released three months prior and they had a grand total of two songs on the radio -- "Prayin' For Daylight" and "This Everyday Love."
Turns out, those guys would go on to have a pretty successful career that would span the next 20 years.
As for The Kinleys, I don't think they actually made it to Atlantic City that night for whatever reason.

Mark Wills, on the other hand, was there and he had a blast. Someone here (Joe Kelly, maybe?) caught up with Mark Wills not too long ago and he said that concert was one of the best shows he ever did. He loved playing with Alabama.
And speaking of, Alabama was the big headliner that night. By the time they played at Sandcastle Stadium that night, they had 32 #1 hit songs, countless albums out, and millions of fans around the world.
No longer there
All of that was 23 years ago. Do you realize how much has chanced since then?
Back in 2000, the Atlantic City Surf -- we still had a baseball team -- was playing at Sandcastle Stadium -- when that stadium was new and well-kept (compared to what it is today).
The Sands sponsored that concert. That casino would close six years later the building was demolished. What was supposed to replace it was never constructed.
Also in that year, we all managed to get through the Y2K scare, pro football quarterback Dan Marino played his last game, Windows 2000 was released, GPS access became available to the general public after being limited to military use, the last Ford Escort car was produced, Nintendo launched its GameCube, and we had an election between Al Gore and George Bush that took weeks to resolve.
Were you there?
If you were at the Grand Slam Country Jam, we'd love to hear from you -- drop me an e-mail and send us any pictures that you may have!
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