DAILY DOSE OF GOOD: Helping Those Affected By Childhood Brain Cancer
After recently losing my Mom-Mom to cancer, the disease has a whole new meaning to me. If you know someone out there who has, or is, battling cancer (no matter what type it may be), then this may be a cause you'd like to "pay-it-forward" for your #DailyDoseofGood!
This one comes to us from Ashleigh DeAngelis on behalf of her brother Logan from Green Bank; a small, wooded town in South Jersey. In which case, Logan loved to be outdoors! Fishing, hunting, and riding quads were among his favorite things to do. Logan also loved school! He would have been a senior this year at Cedar Creek High School, where he was the member of the boys’ soccer team. Sports were a major part of Logan’s life, as was his goals and aspirations.
In the winter of 2013, Logan broke a rib while sledding. After 8 weeks, his pain migrated from his side to his back. After going to multiple doctors, Ashleigh and her family found out that there was a 6 cm tumor already spreading to Logan's spine. The location of his tumor made it inoperable, so only a biopsy could be done. It was called Glioblastoma Multiform Stage 4 a.k.a GBM.
Logan had an outstanding 17 months before the disease took Logan’s life at the age of 17 on May 20th, 2015. Logan has touched the lives of thousands of people and will be forever loved and remembered.
Logan's sister Ashleigh says, "Logan was known mostly for his big smile but also for his big heart. He was extremely caring and always put everyone else before himself. Logan was an inspiration to both adults and children. He taught you to never give up, no matter how hard life may be and to conquer everything that is thrown at you with a smile."
If you would like to learn more about Logan's story, and how YOU can help those affected by childhood brain cancer, check out this amazing foundation that the family has created on Logan's behalf called, Forever Logan Strong. There, you can Donate and hear about some AWESOME event they have, like the one below!
If donating isn't something you can do, that's ok! You can still be a part of the Forever Logan Strong Foundation by participating in the Beer-n-Beef Benefit on May 20th at 2pm!
Check out the Forever Logan Strong Facebook Page for more details and followings of Logan's story, and how you can give a little extra #DailyDoseofGood.
If you know someone out there who is in need of a little extra good, send us a message to our Facebook Page!
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