After 4 Long Years This Beloved New Jersey Aquarium Is Finally Reopening
When COVID-19 took over the planet just 4 short years ago, it changed a lot of things about the way our lives operate.
And of course, it caused a lot of our favorite businesses to close whether it be temporarily or for good.

However, now things are pretty much back to how they were and a lot of places you loved going pre-pandemic are now back up and operating.
Even if it took some places longer than others.
The Atlantic City, NJ Aquarium Announced Its Plans To Reopen After 4 Years
The Atlantic City Aquarium, like a lot of places, closed just temporarily four years ago.
However, instead of opening in 2021 or 2022 like a lot of places did they remained closed.
This was because the Atlantic City Aquarium received grant money in order to perform some much-needed updates.
According to Patch, improvements were focused on replacing the roof, and windows, updating the HVAC system as well as electrical and plumbing repairs.
The Atlantic City Aquarium is home to tons of amazing wildlife featuring both freshwater and saltwater fish and of course, you can see the turtles that call the aquarium home too.
What's pretty cool is that the Atlantic City Aquarium also features land-loving creatures like a large collection of lizards, according to Only In Your State, which is a pretty popular exhibit.
The plan is for the Atlantic City Aquarium to reopen this summer, on July 1st, 2024.
This is a fun and affordable attraction for both locals and tourists alike, with tickets costing only $10 for adults, $7 for seniors, $6 for kids ages 4-12, and kids 3 and under are free.
Until then, here's a huge list of things to keep you entertained while you enjoy New Jersey.