You're already seeing electricity take over on our roads in New Jersey.

It seems like every day you're seeing more and more electric vehicles on the road, and more electric charging stations popping up.

Just in Seaside Heights, there's a whole charging area near my wife and I's apartment for electric vehicle owners, and places like Wawa and Quik Check seem to be getting more and more too.

electric charging stations
photo credit: buehler

Now, I have no issue with electric vehicles.

Frankly, if I could afford one I'd get one, they seem fun to drive my main concern like most people's is that I would get stuck somewhere in the Pine Barrens when I run out of juice!

However, with a new technology in the works, Jersey could soon see electric roads that would charge your Tesla while you drove.

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Are Electric Charging Roads Coming To New Jersey?

Believe it or not, there's a new technology that allows a road to charge an electric car while the vehicle drives on it according to AP News

It's already being used on a road in Detroit Michigan, and how it works is pretty wild.

electric charging roads
Photo by Andrew Roberts on Unsplash

AP News reports:

Copper inductive charging coils allow vehicles equipped with receivers to charge up their batteries while driving, idling or parking above the coils..

Right now the road in Detroit is just being used as a test, but the city says in a few years it will be available to the public.

Jersey is all about being more green, so it's not too far-fetched to think that someday in the next decade or so you could be driving down 37, or 70 and having your electric vehicle charge while you drive.

Restaurants that closed in New Jersey During 2023

Here are some of the restaurants that closed their doors around New Jersey in 2023 listed alphabetically. Did your favorite restaurant close in 2023? Contact reporter Dan Alexander at

Gallery Credit: Dan Alexander

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