Black Bear Hunting in New Jersey?
If you're like me and not well-versed in hunting, the revelation of bear hunting in New Jersey might come as a surprise. It caught my attention when I stumbled upon a story about the Supreme Court allowing black bear hunting in the state.
The first of the two scheduled hunts concluded last week, running from October 9th to the 14th, and another session is planned for December 4th to the 9th. This issue has sparked differing opinions, evident from the involvement of the Supreme Court. State and local officials argue that the hunts help decrease the chances of bears encountering people, especially in our densely populated state.
On the other hand, animal rights groups disagree, proposing a more practical approach to minimize interactions between bears and people by ensuring that garbage cans are securely closed.
Notably, New Jersey's Fish and Game Council recently approved continuing this annual event through 2028, emphasizing the need to manage the bear population.
The debate left me wondering about New Jersey's rank amongst other states in terms of registered hunters. Given our state's limited land area, strict gun laws, and high population density, it's not surprising that we may not be at the top of the list.
I'm sure you can guess the states out west and in the Midwest where hunting is a big deal - it's no surprise, really. If we peek at the rankings, those states are usually at the top. But when it comes to New Jersey and our neighboring states, it's a different scene. We're up in the Northeast, where hunting might not be as huge a tradition compared to other places.
So, our ranking won't exactly blow your mind. However, checking out these rankings can give us a better idea of hunting habits and traditions in our area, showing us what makes our hunting scene unique.
States with the most registered hunters
Gallery Credit: Meagan Drillinger