There is only one Black Friday and apparently, shoppers this year are well aware of that fact.

Up to 152 million bargain hunters are expected to hit the stores and the computers on Friday, up 6 percent over last year, according to a survey by the National Retail Federation.

“Traditionally during an economic downturn, consumers look to Black Friday and the holiday weekend to really make a dent in their shopping lists because of the great deals that retailers are offering,” said Kathy Grannis, spokesperson for the National Retail Federation. “For those who are really set to a budget or who want to pinch pennies or even just cut back and save money, Black Friday is a great day to start your holiday shopping or finish up your shopping list.”

According to the survey, the number of people “definitely” shopping jumped from 27 percent last year to 33 percent this year. 74 million say they will definitely hit the stores and another 77 million are waiting to see if the bargains are worth braving the cold and the crowds.

As retailers prep their stores, they are also ramping up their activity on line using social media sites to draw in customers. “Young adults are very important piece of the puzzle and they may not necessarily be paying attention to store windows, so retailers are reaching out to them by using social media sites including facebook, twitter and youtube,” said Grannis.

According to the eHoliday Survey, eight in 10 retailers will send an email to their customers about Black Friday deals, up from 80 percent last year. Nearly three-quarters will use their Facebook page to reach out to shoppers. Retailers also plan to use their home page and Twitter to announce and promote deals.

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