Esquire Says New Jersey Absolutely Can’t Afford to Lose these Remarkable Restaurants
We all have a couple of restaurants that are our go-to's.
You know, the places where you pretty much know the menu front to back and have never had a bad meal or less than stellar experience.

Now imagine if one of those spots just disappeared. It would be heartbreaking, right?
The past three or four years have not been kind to Jersey Shore eateries.
Many of our faves have had to close their doors.
That's likely what prompted Esquire to release their list of the "100 Restaurants America Can't Afford To Lose."
I'm happy to tell you that New Jersey took five spots on the rundown of 100.
The only thing that could be better than the food at this restaurant is the view. Here's what 'JG' at Esquire had to say:
This restaurant is so important to my family that on one crazy summer afternoon when our twins were still newborns, my wife and I suddenly put the babies in the car and drove three hours on the Jersey Turnpike because I had determined, in my sleep-deprived fog, that I <em>needed </em>some fried seafood and the kids <em>needed </em>to be exposed to the Jersey Shore air in the beach town that my dad’s people had originally come from.
Life is good when you're sipping a drink and enjoying an appetizer on The Patio Bar.
The Shrimp Box in Pt. Pleasant Beach gets the nod in Esquire.
Staying at the Shore, the next establishment recognized by Esquire has won multiple awards for "Best Pizza at the Jersey Shore." It wasn't a surprise to see this favorite spotlighted. 'JK' raved:
The best red-sauce joint on the Jersey Shore has been serving since the sixties. Packed every night, naturally. This right here—this East Coast alchemy of tomatoes and cheese, sausage and pasta and crust, oregano and olive oil, and mouthfuls of bright Chianti—this is why we keep going back for Italian American food on Friday night.
Traditional slice, white, or Grandma pie, this historic Shore Italian restaurant has never disappointed me.
A big shoutout to Squan Tavern in Manasquan for appearing on Esquire.
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