Support the Pinelands Jersey Devils Cheerleaders With All-You-Can-Eat Wings!
The Pinelands Jersey Devils Cheerleaders are comprised of three teams, ranging from age 5-15 years old.
However, the Jr. pee-wee Team (Head Coach Melissa Ulrich-Doughty) & the Varsity Team (Head Coach Christina Petrauskas) are competing 3 times over the next month in the hopes to place at the Regional competition on November 4th.
The competition takes place in Orlando Florida at ESPN World Wide of Sports, where the team would then compete to win the National Championship Title. If qualified, the team will represent South Jersey on National Television!
In which case, come on out to support the Pop Warner Program at their Fundraising event to help them get to the competition!
It'll be held in West Creek, right outside of Little Egg, at Calloway's Restaurant and Bar from 7-11 pm on Friday, October 13th!
If you're into unlimited beer, wine, soft drinks, pizza and all-you-can-eat wings for 3 hours, then you can get your $25 pre-sale tickets from any cheerleader or email pinelandspopwarnercheer@gmail.com
Tickets are $30 at the door and hella worth it to support the cheerleaders that could represent South Jersey!
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