Fail to Do This and You Could Face a $1,000 Ticket in New JerseyFail to Do This and You Could Face a $1,000 Ticket in New JerseyDid you know that you could be fined between $25 to $1,000 dollars this winter if you are in violation of New Jersey's Remove It Before You Go Laws?Josh HennigJosh Hennig
Vineland, NJ Could Start Fining for Abandoned Shopping CartsVineland, NJ Could Start Fining for Abandoned Shopping CartsIt sounds like the City of Vineland has had it with all the abandoned shopping carts around town.Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
The New Jersey Laws you may not have known about, that could cost you bigThe New Jersey Laws you may not have known about, that could cost you bigThere are so many laws to follow in New Jersey, you may not know which ones exist and if you were ever even in violation of any of them.Vin EbenauVin Ebenau
Cell Phone Fines Could Double in New Jersey [POLL]Cell Phone Fines Could Double in New Jersey [POLL]We all know that we should not be talking or texting on our cell phones while driving. But soon, you might pay double if you get caught!GeorgiaGeorgia