Would YOU Help This Guy Get TO AC?
So everyday, you guys know I like to reach out to our Cat Country community, and search GoFundMe.com to see who out there in our area is in need of a little extra #DailyDoseOfGood.
BUT some of you may ask:
"Rachel, what makes my cause worthy of being featured for a Daily Dose of Good?"
Well my friends, let me tell you... NOT THIS.
Joe and I were talking about this the other day: A women under fire via social media for asking people to donate to her Go-Fund-Me Page to help her take her daughters to Disney World to show them how much she appreciates them...
Personally, based off the description of her story on her Go-Fund-Me page, the request seemed pretty genuine to me!
But obviously, asking for money for a personal vacation doesn't seem to be a valid cause... Which is why Sean Brennan of Richmond, VA has raised ZERO dollars in the last 2 months, in the efforts to get a trip to Atlantic City!
Many thoughts run through my brain questioning the logistics of Sean's request since this "story" description simply says, "It sounds like a good time"....
Well, you're not wrong there Sean! But here's where we ask YOU GUYS: Would you help Sean and his buddies get to Atlantic City? Comment below what you think!
If you think NO, tell us why. If you think YES, you can donate to his Go-Fund-Me page, as will we, and we will get Sean to AC so Cat Country can show him what our city is all about! (We'll even be nice and take him to dinner wherever you guys suggest!)
Comment, like and share to let us know what you think!
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