We've put some of those hard-boiled eggs to good use. We're teaming them up with "regular" eggs for the Cat Country Egg Death Match.

This rather unique contest will take place at 1pm Saturday, April 6th at Atlantic Nursery, on Cologne Avenue in Mays Landing. 40 finalists will take part in the competition.

Each player will choose an egg and try to smash it against their forehead. If it doesn't break - because it's hard-boiled - you stay alive. If it does break - because it's raw - the egg is on you, and you are out. We'll keep playing round-by-round until there is one person left without egg on their face.

The winner will receive a $500 gift certificate to Atlantic Nursery, plus two tickets to each of these concerts:

*Trace Adkins - Caesar's Atlantic City - May 17

*Luke Bryan and Thompson Square - Susquehanna Bank Center - June 1

*Jason Aldean - Susquehanna Bank Center - August 24

There are two ways to become a finalist: Listen to the Cat Country Morning Show for you chance to call in and instantly claim your spot OR sign up here for a chance to qualify. (You must be 18 or older and normal Cat Country rules apply.)

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