A busy sky in July: 2 full moons, meteors, bright planets
The July sky is an active one for astronomy buffs with visible planets, a full moon and meteor showers.
Rutgers astronomy expert Carlton Pryor says most observers will see a brighter Saturn and Jupiter and meteor showers over New Jersey toward month's end, as well as two —count 'em ... two — full moons in one month.
The July full moon is called the "thunder moon" in light of all the thunderstorms this time of year.
There was a total solar eclipse last week, but that could only be seen in South America.
As for the meteors, Pryor says people might be able to see a dozen meteors an hour even in skies that are typically polluted by light.
Pryor says the best vantage point for observing the sky is away from the light pollution of urban areas. New Jersey's darkest skies is toward the Delaware Water Gap in the northwest corner of the state.
But he cautions: If you're outside, defend against mosquitoes.