An Annoying and Costly New Jersey Traffic Money Grab is Finally Ending
A few months ago, I was driving on Route 37 in Toms River when the red and blue lights started flashing in my rearview.
I pulled over to the shoulder and went into my glove box to get my registration and insurance card.

My insurance was there, but my registration was not.
It was at that moment that it dawned on me that I brought my registration card into the house to get some information off of it and I totally forgot to bring it back out to the car.
But, I did have a picture of my registration on my phone.
I thought if you could show your insurance card on your phone, you must be able to do the same with registration.
I was wrong.
The officer was quick to inform me that during a traffic stop, electronic copies of vehicle registration are not accepted.
Would you indulge me in a quick rant? Thanks.
The only reason showing your registration and insurance is a thing is so the State can fine you for not having the documents in your car.
It's a quick money grab plain and simple.
The officer that pulls you over can find out if you are insured and if your vehicle is registered in a matter of minutes.
How do I know this? I've watched it happen when I've been pulled over in the past.
I have the worst luck on the road. I could be going 1 mph over the limit.
If there's a cop in the vicinity, I will be pulled over.
It's like there's a neon sign over my car that says "screw this guy" that is blinking brightly.
Good news, though.
Both sides of the aisle in Jersey worked together and presented a bill that Governor Murphy signed on Monday.
This will allow drivers to present their registration on their phones if required during a traffic stop.
Don't throw that paper copy away just yet.
According, to nj.com, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Agency has been given 18 months to roll out a system that allows us to access our registration on our mobile devices.
Until this is officially rolled out, I would still keep your paper document handy and easily accessible to avoid a $180 fine.
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