Crayola Crayon Controversy
Here in America we can't even name a crayon without some bored person at their keyboard getting all up in arms. It's sad really...
Crayola announced last week the name of the new crayon they debuted back in March after retiring the color Dandelion.
Crayola went to the people to name the new color and took a vote. The new color beat out 4 other names. The voting ran from July through August.
The new crayon will be called Bluetiful. The name beat out Dreams Come Blue, Reach For The Stars, Blue Moon Bliss, and Star Spangled Blue.
Yes, people are mad about the name Bluetiful.
Why? Well, apparently the general public have low expectations for today's youth and fear they will get confused with this made up word.
Another commented: "I think the name is going it be too confusing. Kids learning how to pronounce and spell beautiful. So many mispronounce words as it is."
Yes, I could see how kids could get confused with the new name. However, the English language is full of annoying words and Hooked on Phonics isn't even phonetic.
Crayola has other crayons named Razzmatazz, Jazzberry Jam, Mauvelous, and Fuzzy Wuzzy.
There were a few Twitter users that said they would stop buying Crayola crayons. I'm sure Crayola will be very upset by this. If you have tried any other crayon company other than Crayola you would know there is no comparison.
Has Crayola taken it too far? Do people have too much time on their hands to complain about trivial things?
Let us know what you think of the name!