Comcast To Offer Free Wifi Hotspots for 60 Days
Amidst the coronavirus outbreak, Comcast has announced plans to offer free wifi hotspots for all over the next 60 days.
Since that announcement Friday, several other wifi providers have put forth similar plans in an effort to make life a bit easier for everyone for the duration of the pandemic. During this time, Comcast specifically has stated that it will suspend data caps for the time-being for its customers.
Also, Comcast CEO Dave Watson expressed in a statement on their website that there will be no late fees or disconnected services during this time if customers communicate their inability to pay.
“During this extraordinary time, it is vital that as many Americans as possible stay connected to the internet – for education, work, and personal health reasons. "Our employees also live and work in virtually every community we serve, and we all share the same belief that it’s our Company’s responsibility to step up and help out.”
- Dave Watson, Comcast CEO
Comcast has a detailed outline of their plan for free wifi on their website.