The Biggest Nude Beach on the East Coast is in NJ
If being naked and going to the beach are on the top of your list of fun things to do, I've got just the place for you.
Did you know that the biggest nude beach on the East Coast is in NJ?
Where is the nude beach in NJ?
Yup, it's called Gunnison Beach and it's at the north end of Sandy Hook according to NJ.com. It's also the only legal nude beach in the Garden State.
It's not like other New Jersey shore towns you can just roll up onto. It's about a half mile away from where you park, sort of hidden, out of view. You can understand why. Those enjoying the nude beach want to feel comfortable and not gawked at.
Regulars at the beach and those that visit occasionally say it's a great place...clean, quiet, relaxing, a place where they can feel free.
At first glance it looks like a "normal" beach with beach chairs, umbrellas, blankets and beach sports going on, but, then of course, everyone's naked.
Before you get excited, everyone is not a size 2 with perky boobs or six pack abs, these are just regular people like you or I that enjoy being without their clothes.
The rules at Gunnison Beach
There are some rules...no kids, no cameras...that's to be expected.
If you'd like to give it a try, you can go with a swimsuit the first time but the next time, it's got to go.

I can imagine if you wore a swimsuit you'd stand out more than if you didn't.
I'm not sure I could do it, but those who do love it. Maybe one day I'll get the guts to try it. It sounds exhilarating.