Here’s What You Need to Know to Win $1,000 With the Cat Ball Cash Jackpot
Each weekday you can win cash on Cat Country with the Cat Ball Cash Jackpot! You'll have two chances to win each weekday!
Here's how to win:
1. Listen to Joe & Rachel each weekday morning at 6:20, 7:20, and 8:20am. We'll tell you exactly what times to listen!
2. Tune in both times - one will be between 6am and 12 noon, the other between 12 noon and 6pm.
3. At the appointed time, we'll give you the special "Cash Code" to use to enter. When you have it, come to our website, enter it, and wait for us to call you to tell you that you've won $1,000!
You'll also find some special entry multipliers that can increase your chances of winning!
Good luck!
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