Get Ready To Pay More To Take The Train Or Bus In New Jersey
Do you take NJ Transit on a regular or semi-regular basis?
Whether you use it to commute to work or to get from Jersey to New York for a day in the Big City, you'll have to get ready to pay more in the near future.
NJ Transit Announces Price Hikes For NJ Commuters.
Last winter my wife and I took a bus out of the Toms River Bus Hub up to New York for the day.
For under $50, we were able to get a ride into the city and back in one day.
It was cheap, easy, and fun.
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Now, that same trip will cost about 15 percent more according to Patch.
NJ Transit approved a 15 percent price hike across the board starting July 1st, which means that bus fare to New York will cost $24.40 instead of $21.25.
Why Is NJ Transit Increasing Fares Across The State?
I usually get mad when large corporations announce an increase in price just because they want to make more money, but NJ Transit does seem to have a good reason for the price hikes.
According to Patch, NJ Transit said that in recent polls, what was most important to commuters was safety and reliability.
In order for NJ Transit to make the upgrades needed to ensure a safe and reliable ride every time, the prices have to go up.
Now, if you're thinking "Hey I'll just drive into New York rather than pay the increased fare ticket" you're more than welcome to, but when you take into account tolls, gas money, and parking you'll still spend more money than what you would by just taking the bus or the train.
Despite the price tag, Jersey is a great place to live and raise a family
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