Is this New Jersey Christmas Tradition Going Away?
Are you noticing fewer and fewer Christmas cards?
Each year it seems like we’re getting less.

It used to be so fun running to the mailbox to see pictures and messages from people you haven’t seen in forever.
It was the only time you were actually excited to check your mail.
Whether you created your own, bought a box of cards at the store, or sent that perfect family photo from your summer at the Jersey Shore, it was a great way to spread a little holiday joy by letting people know you were thinking of them.
You would walk into any home this time of year and Christmas cards would be hanging from the mantel, lining the refrigerator, and sticking to the walls. However, that’s not the case anymore.
In my opinion, social media has killed Christmas cards!! There’s no more need for them. With Facebook, Instagram, and texting, you’re always connected. You don’t have to wait a year to see a picture of your cousin’s kids, you can see them every day on social media.
Southern Living Magazine asked, “Do you think Christmas cards are a dying art?”
63 percent of those polled said, “Yes!” That makes me sad.
I still love getting Christmas cards in the mail and I hope some people in New Jersey continue with the tradition.
I enjoy seeing what picture made the card and how much the kids have grown since last year.
Plus, it’s nice to get something in the mail that isn’t a bill.
So if you’re still sending out Christmas cards this year, add me to your list!!
Christmas In Cape May, New Jersey
Gallery Credit: Cape May MAC (Museums+Arts+Culture)