Surviving New Jersey’s Spring Allergy Season
If you're waking up with a sore throat, itchy eyes, and congestion, you are not alone.
This is the time of year when allergy season kicks in here in New Jersey, and lots of us are feeling the effects.
With all the rain we've been having, experts expect this to be a robust allergy season.
What Are Allergies
The Mayo Clinic defines allergies as our immune system reacting to our body ingesting a foreign substance.
In the case of seasonal allergies, that means pollen. There are generally three types of pollen we watch.
- Grass Pollen
- Tree Pollen
- Ragweed Pollen
When you see a greenish or yellowish powder on your car, that is pollen. It's also in the air around us, making it difficult to avoid.
How to Ease the Symptoms of Allergies
We all have a different tolerance to the pollen. Some people are affected worse than others.
Fortunately, there are ways to ease the symptoms.
The most popular over-the-counter medications include Antihistamines and corticosteroids.
Some medicines can cause problems for those with high blood pressure, heart conditions, and diabetes.
This is why it's important to consult with your doctor before starting any medication. That includes over-the-counter remedies.
Some medicines contain an ingredient called Diphenhydramine.
This is a drug that can cause drowsiness and probably shouldn't be used during the day or if you will be driving.

Allergy Forecast for New Jersey
Weather plays a big role in the severity of our allergy season.
The fact that New Jersey has had a lot of wet weather, means we can expect a lot of pollen as things warm up and get dry.
Allergy season typically lasts between late March and early summer.
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