The Atlantic City Police Department arrested two teenage shooting suspects who turned themselves in on separate days.

Authorities say on September 2nd, 19-year-old Ashan Jackson of Galloway surrendered to detectives.

Jackson was charged with various crimes related to a shooting investigation that began on March 13th. During that morning, officers were at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center when a man walked in suffering from a gunshot wound. The 29-year-old victim from Pleasantville was treated for a non-life-threatening injury. The victim had been shot at Pennsylvania and Pacific Avenues during an alleged altercation with Jackson.

Jackson was charged with two counts of aggravated assault, unlawful possession of a weapon, and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose; he was remanded to the Atlantic County Justice Facility.

Pennsylvania and Pacific Avenues in Atlantic City NJ - Photo: Google Maps
Pennsylvania and Pacific Avenues in Atlantic City NJ - Photo: Google Maps

On September 4th, a 17-year-old man from Atlantic City, who had been wanted since a July shooting, also turned himself in.

On July 8th, a 15-year-old girl arrived at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center with a gunshot wound. The arrested male and another male were involved in an alleged altercation at an unknown location when the victim was shot.

The unidentified teen was charged with aggravated assault, unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose; he was taken to Family Court to be remanded to a juvenile detention facility.

Anyone with information about these incidents is urged to contact the Atlantic City Police Department's Violent Crimes Unit at (609) 347-5766.

The public is reminded that charges are accusations and all persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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Gallery Credit: Chris Coleman

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