Want To Know How Many Babies Were Conceived In New Jersey On Valentine’s Night?
Did you enjoy your Valentine's Day? We certainly hope you did, and if the romantic reputation of Valentine's Day is real, we think that there was a lot of conception going on in the Garden State last night. Just how much you ask?
Believe it or not, and maybe because I had a little too much Valentine's time on my hands this week, I think I have come up with a pretty good, and somewhat scientific estimate of just how many babies were conceived in New Jersey last night.
Of course, there's no real way to know exactly how many children were conceived last night. It's a combination of being too early to tell, and people shockingly not being warm to the idea of being asked exactly what they did last night.
But what I was able to do was dig up a Time article that estimated the number of Valentine's night babies being conceived in the nation. That number wound up being 10,408.
Follow me on this. All I have to do is find the percentage of the U.S. population living in New Jersey and divide the national number of conceptions by that, right? I'm sure this is a flawed plan from a scientific standpoint. I guess it's good that I'm not a scientist.
Here we go. The population in America is over 334,000,000 people, and about 9,300,000 live in New Jersey, making our population 3% of the country.
Therefore, 3% of the estimated 10,408 babies conceived in America last night, 314 of them happened right here in the Garden State.
This is all completely unscientific of course, but if good news is coming your way soon, we congratulate you and wish you all the best.