🔵 Changes are coming to the working papers process for NJ teens

🔵 Starting June 1, the working papers process will be online

🔵 Those who need working papers before June 1, can still go through schools

Is your teen son or daughter looking for a job in New Jersey?

Be aware that there is a new online process for teens to process working papers online which begins June 1, according to information posted on the New Jersey Department of Labor website.

Thanks to a new law, the working papers process will be online and streamlined. So, instead of going through local schools, younger workers will simply visit the site and be walked through a few easy steps.

All the information can be found here.

Working Papers poster (NJ Dept. of Labor)
Working Papers poster (NJ Dept. of Labor)

If you need working papers before June 1st, just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Complete the “Minor’s Personal Information” section: Note that the parent should not sign the form until after getting the employer’s signature

Step 2: Complete the “Employment Information” section: Your employer should complete this section and sign the “Promise of Employment.”

Step 3: “Physician’s Certification” section: The young worker must get a physical exam or a doctor’s note. The school district handles the physical at no cost. A physical administered by a school in the 9th grade is good for four years. If a parent prefers a doctor other than the one employed by your school district, they may do so at their own expense.

Step 4: Provide “Proof of Age” to the Issuing Officer: The young worker must provide proof of age documentation such as a birth certificate, passport, or baptismal certificate.

Step 5: Complete the “School Record” section at the school attended by the minor: Bring the completed form to your school district for review.

Step 6: Obtain “Issuing Officer Certification”: Finally, the issuing officer will decide whether working conditions follow NJ Child Labor Laws, and if satisfied, will issue an employment certificate.

More information can be found here.

All minors under the age of 18 who work in the Garden State must have an employment certificate or better known as working papers.

Jen Ursillo is a reporter and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach her at jennifer.ursillo@townsquaremedia.com

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