New Jersey reportedly has the fourth highest gas tax in the nation. While the Garden State continues to pay over $4 a gallon at the pump, lawmakers are turning their attention towards temporarily lowering that tax.
New Jersey's gas tax will increase 4.3 cents a gallon on October 1, the state Treasury Department announced. At 41.4 cents, it will be sixth highest in the nation.
The first of the tax cuts adopted along with the nearly 23-cent increase in the gas tax takes effect on Sunday – but while everyone benefits, few may notice.
Driving in the Garden State is now more expensive thanks to the 23-cent gas tax increase that went in effect earlier this week. New Jersey has now gone from 49th highest to 6th highest in the nation.
The infamous gas tax went into effect on Tuesday, November 1st here in the Garden State. Your wallet just got a little bit lighter... However, one NJ pizzeria owner wants to give you a discount for getting screwed by the government!