In the aftermath of Justin Bieber's arrest this morning, one New Jersey radio station is saying "No More" - and is refusing to play any Justin Bieber music.
We're seeing reports early this morning that Justin Bieber was arrested overnight while partying in Miami, FL for drag racing and driving while intoxicated.
It was obvious that Taylor Swift was grossed out by watching her good friend Selena Gomez go in for a smooch with Justin Bieber at last night's Billboard Music Awards!
Poor Taylor Swift. She really got ‘Punk’d’ by Justin Bieber in the brand new season of the hidden camera series that MTV is exhuming as of March 29. A teaser clip of the Biebs punking his pal Swift has surfaced online, and while it’s hilarious to the viewer and those in on the prank, it’s not as quite funny to Swift, as a look of genuine terror crosses her face. She appears completely concerned ab