Ron Burgundy is promoting 'Anchorman 2' and he stopped by the Conan set a while back to sing the theme song to Toronto's Mayor, Rob Ford. Of course, it's hilarious!
As Will Ferrell prepares for the second coming of Ron Burgundy in Anchorman 2, he's traveling around the country promoting the new movie. One of his first stops was a small North Dakota TV station to anchor the news with their local talent...
This sportscaster from Idaho took Halloween to a new level! He dressed up as Anchorman's Ron Burgundy. Oh and he did his whole sportscast in character!
Anchorman is one of my all time favorite movies, so I'm pumped for the sequel! But in the meantime, I'll have to get by with Ron Burgundy and Taylor Swift mash-up videos.
'Anchorman' is one of my all time favorite movies, so when I heard the news of a sequel, I was pumped! Now more details have emerged about the plot of 'Anchorman 2.'