The U.S. Postal Service Warns New Jersey To Stop Using Mailboxes
This is a surprising warning from the U.S. Postal Service. In a recent press release, they’re encouraging us to stop using their mailboxes.
They are so convenient, I'm talking about those blue mailboxes we see on street corners and at shopping centers where we can just pop our mail in the box. Using them means one less errand to the post office. Let’s be honest, we always get there after they close anyway.
Anything that gives us more of our time back in this world is alright with me. However, the United States Postal Service is now giving us a big warning that this is not the best way to send mail any longer.
Apparently, the fact that stealing someone’s mail is a full-on felony is not enough of a deterrent for criminals focused on stealing your identity. These mailboxes have become something of a buffet for crooks looking for your personal information, checks, or cash.
When is the worst time to use one of these bins? After the last collection of the day, Sundays or on a holiday is when you are most vulnerable. Since these boxes are always open, people popping their mail in them after that last collection means that the mail is sitting there unattended for a longer period of time.
What Does The Post Office Recommend?
The USPS is not sugar-coating the issue, they are pretty clear on how we should be sending out our mail nowadays,
“The most secure way to send mail is through the local Post Office retail counter. If that is not feasible, the next safest way is to use the inside collection slots that deposit mail directly into the Post Office.”
If you absolutely have to use the blue free-standing mailboxes then never deposit mail after the last collection of the day or on holidays. This is really eye-opening and frankly a sign of how desperate people have become to steal. For a while, this game was a criminal's best-kept secret.
The Post Office is asking us to be good neighbors and commit to a neighborhood watch mentality. If you happen to see someone looking through a mail bin call 1 (877) 876 2455. If you do catch someone in the act it could mean big money for you because the U.S. Postal Service is offering a reward of $10,000 if your tip leads to an arrest. Share this info with your friends and family since the holidays are coming and that means lots of mail!
Do any of these people look familiar? Here are New Jersey's most wanted criminals: