People Upset Over Kids’ Alleged Bad Behavior In 1 Mays Landing, NJ, Neighborhood
You've heard this saying a million times before, right? "Kids will be kids."
Is there some truth to that statement? Of course.
While that statement is true, that doesn't mean that respectful behaviors shouldn't ALWAYS be taught and encouraged.
According to reports from residents of one particular complex within Mays Landing, apparently, there are certain children within that place that are displaying anything but respectful behavior towards their neighbors. A woman who resides in the Woodlands community right off of the Black Horse Pike near the Hamilton Mall vented in a Mays Landing-based Facebook group about some alleged instances she's had with some of her local neighborhood's kids.

The woman says she's encountered the kids in the complex park fighting, cussing, and littering, just to name a few. She even says that she's witnessed children cussing out cars trying to get around them while they're walking in the middle of the street.
The resident claims that some of these children aren't even anywhere near the age of ten. Some, she claims, can't be much older than five. According to her own experiences, she's even seen children around the neighborhood during all hours of the night without parents present.
The encounters have gotten so frequent and so bad that she's now hesitant about letting her own children play at the complex's park.
So, what is she to do? She voiced her experiences and opinions on Facebook and, so far, hasn't been met with much opposition. Most people are questioning where the kids' parents, who are exhibiting this behavior, are. Others are saying that there's really nothing she can do if she's already complained to complex management.
What do you think?
Source: Facebook
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