If you participated in No Shave November solely for the purpose of charity, you're probably itching (perhaps, quite literally) to get rid of your lumberjack scruff.

Before you bust out the electric razor and shears, you HAVE to check this out. If you don't have one of these, maybe you should consider this purchase:

Beard King's Official Beard Bib!

BEARD KING via Amazon
BEARD KING via Amazon

The thought of scruff all over the sink is gross, so most gals would much rather you invest in this then have to wipe down a bathroom full of beard hair. From the looks of it, the scruff goes from the catcher directly into the trash can. Can't really get much simpler than that, right?

The Beard Bib and Catcher goes for around $25 on Amazon. It would also make for the PERFECT Chinese Pollyana gift, especially if the goal is to bring something slightly humorous.

Browse around to see similar brands, but this particular one has great reviews. Is it weird to say "Happy Grooming"? lol

Source: Amazon.com

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