6 Weird Habits People Acquire After Living In South Jersey
I've said it once and I'll say it again, South Jersey is definitely interesting. We're a place that can't be explained except by people that have experienced this part of the state before.
You see, when people think of the Garden State, they aren't picturing the same thing we are. They're picturing congested highways, an awful stench you can't escape, and crowded streets + pollution as far as the eye can see. In short, they're picturing Newark or Trenton.

South Jersey, however, is a place entirely set apart.
South Jersey Is Not Like The Rest Of NJ
When it comes to the southern-most region of the state, you'll find that there's a lot more room to breathe. Sure, people still live relatively close to each other in comparison to, say, some mid-western states. But, in regards to New Jersey, South Jersey isn't as built up at the rest of the state.
South Jersey is also a lot more laid back then our fellow NJ residents to the north. It's a much slower lifestyle in South Jersey. People aren't in such a rush.
Also, the traffic is a lot less congested. We still complain about it, don't get me wrong, but it's not nearly as heavy as it is to the north or western parts of the state.
People change when they move to South Jersey. It's like this region slowly starts to seep into their personalities. Once you've lived in South Jersey, you always take a part of it with you forever.
6 Habits People Pick Up After Living In South Jersey
For one, you'll start pronouncing certain words differently. The one that sticks out the most is "water." Pretty soon, you'll be pronouncing it "wooder" like the rest of us.
You'll also become one of those people who NEVER refers to Jersey's famous breakfast meat as "Taylor Ham." It's pork roll down here. Pork roll forever.
You'll also start listening to A LOT of country music. They don't refer to South Jersey as the "Alabama of the Garden State" for nothing.
Unfortunately, you'll also stop shopping at Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and Costco. That's only because we don't have any down here.
Don't expect to travel on the Garden State Parkway during the summer months. Most South Jersey locals avoid all major highways like the plague in the summertime. That's when the shoobies roll into town.
Finally, you'll refer to the beach tourists as "shoobies," not Bennies. The NJ residents that live closer to New York call them "bennies." In South Jersey, they're shoobies.
Did we leave anything out? Let us know in the comments!
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