Never Frozen Here – Uncovering a New Jersey Waffle Heaven
Here in New Jersey, we don't do frozen waffles. Nothing against Eggos, but I'll "leggo."
They are good to have in the back of the freezer in case of emergency.

When you think about Jersey waffles, one thing should come to mind.
Jersey diner waffles are something special
Check out that perfection from one of the best diners in the world in my own personal opinion, Tops Diner in East Newark.
Eat This Not That went state by state identifying the best waffles in the country.
I'll be honest, I was shocked to see that a diner waffle didn't get the spotlight.
The plain waffle was no match for the creations that come from a growing Jersey restaurant chain.
Waffle Wednesdays are a big deal at Brownstone Pancake Factory.
Don't be fooled, pancake may be in the name, but they take their waffles very seriously.
If that didn't make you drool, I don't know what will do it for you.
A fried Oreo waffle tower. Who comes up with these ideas? Whoever you are, we thank you.
I've been to Brownstone many times and I've dived into their wacky waffles.
Even though they are covered in ice cream, candy bars, syrup, and every other sugary product you can imagine, the waffles themselves are really very good.
Yes, you can order your waffles on the light side with just a bit of butter and syrup too.
You can also get yours topped with Oreos, Nutella, peanut butter, and coconut.
Brownstone Pancake Factory started in Edgewater and soon began expanding to Englewood Cliffs, Brick, and is now in Freehold.
Congratulations to Jersey's own BPF for serving one of the best waffles in the USA!