Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Get a Tattoo After Receiving the COVID Vaccine
This is for all the people out there who don't think you're going to turn into a walking zombie after taking the COVID-19 shot. If you are part of the 28 percent of the United States population who has at least gotten their first dose of the vaccine, this article is for you. I'm sure you have a lot of questions about this vaccine like, how long does it last? What are the side effects? Can I still possibly get Covid? Well the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been doing their best to spew out information for us to put our minds at ease.
According to Huff Post, there are numerous things the CDC recommends not doing after you have received your shots. One of the main things that stood out to me on this list, is the recommendation to not get a tattoo or piercing. The crazy things is, I was planning on getting a tattoo recently for my 27th birthday. I received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine earlier this month and it was a one and done shot. Way before I got the vaccine I had planned on getting a tattoo of my late grandmother's birthday tatted on my leg. It was just by chance that things didn't work out and I pushed my appointment to April.

The CDC just came out with these recommendations, so who know what would have happened to me had I gone through with my tattoo. According to Huff Post, Deborah Fuller, a microbiologist at the University of Washington School of Medicine who is working on coronavirus vaccines, says that getting a tattoo around the same time you get vaccinated could trigger an adverse immune response.
"The skin is your first barrier against pathogens, and it’s designed to trigger immune responses. Body modification like tattooing or piercing can stimulate an immune response that you might not want to experience in combination with an immune response from the vaccine," Fuller said.
So if you plan on getting any of the COVID vaccines, just as a precaution, save the tattoos for another month.
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