How Do You Make Chocolate Milk?
Apparently all of those Ovaltine and Hersey's Chocolate Syrup commercials did nothing in the way of explaining how chocolate milk is made. A startling number of American adults do not know how the delicious drink is made.
Have you heard the phrase I weep for humanity? It seems like a staple in many movies. Well, now I am using that very phrase. I weep for humanity. Side note I just Googled the phrase and it's from The Big Bang Theory, which explains why I thought I've heard it many times. I watch re-runs like it's my job. I digress.
There are a bunch of articles making their way around Facebook revealing Americans do not know how chocolate milk is made. I know, I know, it's scary.
The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy polled 1,000 American adults back in April asking them where chocolate milk came from. I don't know why they even had to ask this question, but apparently this is a hot button issue.
Do you want to know the frightening part? 7% of those adults think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows... I will let that sink in for a moment before I proceed.
Yes, full grown American adults think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. This sounds like some Willie Wonka stuff right here.
The confusion doesn't stop there. According to said survey, 48% of those 1,000 adults they polled have no clue how chocolate milk is made.
Again, I will pause for a moment for that to sink in.
I really want to know where these adults live. I also want to know what type of childhood they had.
If you are unsure of how to make chocolate milk the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has the answer on their site, "Chocolate milk — or any flavored milk for that matter — is white cow’s milk with added flavoring and sweeteners."
Glad that's settled.
So, if you or someone you know isn't quite sure how to make chocolate milk I hope this clears up a few things.
I'm going home today and making myself a tall cold glass of Ovaltine. If only I can find that brown cow...
Source: Today.com
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