Is This South Jersey’s Most Disgusting Keyboard?
Think about it... when was the last time you cleaned your keyboard?
Sure, we're living in an age of hand sanitizer and Clorox Wipes being everywhere, but I mean really cleaned it?
If it's been a while, it might look one here at the station.
A keyboard is one of those things you probably use dozens of times a day at work or at home yet you may never think of scraping the finger goo off of your QWERTYs.

Now, I'm a bit of a neat-freak. I like to keep things clean and tidy. While I was slurping coffee this morning, I was walking around our building and I just happened to see this keyboard.
That made me do a little research. According to a Huffington Post story from 2016, your keyboard is 20,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat.
Come to think of it, if the toilet seat here at the station looked like this keyboard, we would be yelling at our cleaning people.
With that said -- and now that you are carefully examining your keyboard -- is your keyboard dirtier than this one? If so, we would love to see a picture of it. Snap a picture of it and send it to us through our app or post a picture of it on our Facebook page.
And after you send us a picture, break out the Lysol wipes and go to town.