It’s Time To Celebrate Local Summer
Happy Local Summer to all!
There's probably no point in defining the phrase local summer because you're already familiar with the meaning, but here it is anyway. Local summer is a phrase coined by all of us South Jersey residents referring to the months of September and early October when the tourists leave the are and we get our beaches back.
Local summer is the best time of year because it's still warm enough to enjoy everything the beach towns have to offer minus the ridiculous crowds. The beaches are free, the boardwalks are less crowded, and we can actually hear ourselves think when frequenting our favorite local watering holes again! Hooray!
Local summer's right before fall swoops in full force, so that means it's perfect for family excursions. So many shore towns hold their annual festivals during this time, which is perfect because you can actually enjoy them. No more long lines, no more barely being able to move while strolling through North Wildwood, and no more traffic (well, for the most part).
Bonus: Parking, especially free parking, is more readily available.
This time of year represents the idea of an endless summer. Local summer is exactly what we locals need to prepare for the fall and winter ahead. So, to all, enjoy!
Source: NJ.com
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