It's a sad fact when it comes to today's digital world. For as good and convenient as technology can be, there are always those out there looking to benefit themselves at the cost of others.

Yes, technology in some ways can make our lives more secure, but we can't let our guard down. That's because there are those constantly at work looking to hack the latest and greatest digital advancements.

What's tough about it is the fact that digital theft is hard to follow or track. Think about the skimmers at gas stations, for example.

They can gather your credit card data and send it to a separate database within moments of that swipe. And that's it, the thief has your personal information to do what they please with it.

In the old days, thieves trying to steal your cash were much more common. Although that usually meant physical confrontation, it also was easier to stop them because they had to be right there to make their move.

In a way, someone trying to steal your cash was scarier than digital theft. But on the other hand, digital theft is scary because you never know when it will, or if it has occurred.

AP/Townsquare Media illustration
AP/Townsquare Media illustration

What the latest survey says

Fortunately for New Jersey, we're a pretty secure state. Especially when it comes to the latest survey involving fraud complaints.

However, New Jersey isn't necessarily out of the woods. Even though we're not one of the worst areas in the nation, popular travel destinations are.

And with the summer season now underway, more people throughout the Great Garden State will be taking vacations and traveling all over the country for that escape.

Canva/Townsquare Media illustration
Canva/Townsquare Media illustration

Where to watch it

According to USA Today, "Florida is a hotspot for credit card fraud, with Miami seeing more than any other city at 372.7 complaints per 100,000 residents." Also at the top of the list for fraud are Tuscolusa, AL, and Atlanta, GA.

In fact, the survey found that credit card fraud appears most commonly across southern states. For example, "Tuscaloosa, Alabama, saw a 359.8% increase in credit card fraud and identity theft complaints between 2019 and 2023, more than any other city."

In addition to Florida, Alabama, and Georgia, Nevada, Delaware, and Maryland are also at the top of the list when it comes to states that see the most fraud.

And although these cities aren't at the top, Los Angeles and Houston are also problematic when it comes to fraud.


NJ is not the lowest

Although New Jersey doesn't appear at the top of the list, we're not the ones where credit card fraud is least likely. That title goes to South Dakota, followed by North Dakota, Iowa, Montana, and Idaho.

You can check out the full report from USA Today here. Yes, New Jersey is at risk, but it's not nearly as high as the ones mentioned above.

We're at a bigger risk when we head out of state for vacation. That's when we tend to let our guard down and spend more loosely.

So for those who are traveling this summer, just be aware if you're traveling to any of the top states dealing with the most credit card fraud. Especially at the gas pumps since 49 other states may not have an attendant present to check for skimmers.

Artur GettyImages
Artur GettyImages

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The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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